Thursday, 31 January 2008

Well Done Mate

Hello people and Bloggers.
Im in a Happy mood today.
After finding how well a Very good is doing in the music Industry.
Check him out.
Lemon Demon's is the name Checkout this Flash Cartoon Ultimate showdown By Shawn Vulliez!I Give the song 6 stars out of 5 lol.
I know he is History that is being written tight now.

Keep looking here i i find you bloggers great stuff

Friday, 18 January 2008

Videos to make ya jaws hurt for laughing to much.

This Video i named Glen Duck! It got me a lot of feed back when i 1st submitted that video to the Internet. People told me that they were in stitches(laughing) and kept watching it over and over.
Collision Course Alert! "Glens not paying attention to where he's going Alert!"
I was filming the whole time as i Laughed at the Danger that waits us!
The only thing that kept me calm is the fact I'm recording my Brother not Driving good! after he was complaining earlier in the Trip about my driving!
Turtle Bite. I filmed this in 2006 at Skegness England at the Natureland Seal sanctuary. My friend Tibor put his finger down to the Turtle and my brother says "It hasnt got teeth" Well its funny to watch
This Video is amazing! Just as My brother asks me "how fast would you like to go" The answer Flys over our heads! You couldnt plan a video like this.
This event was filmed at Ules Water next to Patterdale at the Lake District, England,
While im on subject! the Patterdale Terrier Does origninate from this location.
Also its the Lake the Bluebird water speed record was attempted here by Donald Campbell in Jan 1967.
Here is a Video i Found based on this footage. this video is Histrical footage and i didnt make it.

Hope you enjoy my 1st Video Post!
Looking forward to showing you more very soon.
Until then! why dont ya Check out my Creative Stories.