Sunday, 3 February 2008

What happen to the real Butlins?

What happened to our Butlin?
Who axed out the magic?
Billy Butlin started Bulins with magic and now he is not here!
What have you done to our Butlins?
This is how it was:

All i see at Butlins today is a Tent with pubs and places to eat.

Cinema (you get that at home)

Heres a list of what was and is no more:


1 comment:

dniteryder said...

Looked like a real nice place to be growing up and you didn't have to pay, we had some places like that growing up but they are all pretty much gone now. I did find one on the ohio river that has been there a long time I used to take my grandson there, they had a few rides and a big pool, it was ok for younger ones. It cost some money but nothing like the huge places they have now with big names to them. We have an amusement park not far from here I've been to, it's not bad if you get there before it gets too hot.